Level 13 Advanced English 1 Course

Throughout this ongoing program, students will have two weekly sessions with the teacher to cover the following topics:
• Reading: Big Question, text, and reading strategies and comprehension skills.
• New vocabulary words: 10-19 new words/unit.
• Word Study: easily confused words – suffixes & prefixes – homonyms – Latin roots
• Grammar: tenses – modals – relative clauses – reported speech – passive voice – if conditions – sense verb & adjectives
• listening: Students listen and speak about various topics, for example; watching a movie, recording memories, fears, and suggesting solutions. Moreover, students apply different listening strategies, for example; listening for clues.
• Writing: Students write about different topics, for example; persuasive letter, personal narrative essay.
•Review: each lesson reviews the last to ensure the students remember the material.
Assessments will be taken by the end of every lesson, unit and at the end of the course.
A Feedback report and a certificate will be sent to parents/guardians after unit and end of course assessments so parents can be involved with the student’s progress.
Who is this course for? This course is tailored to meet the developmental needs and learning abilities of children aged 12-13.
Course format: Using slides, videos and online games is a way to guarantee engagement and enjoyment while learning a new language
Unit 1: The Earthworm and the Spider
Unit 2: Overcoming Earth’s Obstacles
Unit 3: Inside Our Planet
Unit 4: The Secret of Vesuvius
Unit 5: A Season of Discontent
Unit 6: Uncovering Masks
Unit 7: Summing Up Symmetry
Unit 8: Snowflake Lia
Unit 9: Talking About Language
Unit 10: Whistler